Are you a woman who's tired of your anxiety, low confidence & insecurities preventing you from living the life you've always dreamed of? Do you want to overcome these things once and for all so that you can have intimate & lasting relationships, authentic and deeply connected friendships, as well as the confidence & motivation to thrive in a career you love? Do you want to do this in a guaranteed and fast track way, from the comfort and security of your home, and without breaking the bank? If this is a YES for you, you're in the right place.

I used to be there too

Hi, I'm Maha & this is my private Academy for all lost, lonely, unhappy, triggered or drama-addicted girls who feel a disconnect between who they desire to be in the world and who they’re currently showing up as…Ever wondered how other girls have so many friends, find everlasting love so effortlessly, feel confident showing up center stage and never seem to have drama following them around?How are their lives so well put together, how do they always seem so positive, how do they know exactly how to communicate through their problems in relationships?Did you miss that class at school or did the Universe simply forget to bless you with that piece of key information??Listen babe, I get it, I’ve totally been there!I was also someone who seemed to have missed the memo growing up and was honestly confused AF!Infact, I was so confused by the discrepancy between my life and that of other girls, that I decided to go digging to find the answer because there was no way in hell I was going to accept that this was just the way my life was!Well babe, my digging lead to a rabbit hole five years deep where I learnt EXACTLY what the missing link was...Who you are is ALL about mindset. And it’s time to give yours a serious upgrade!

Romantic Relationships

When we haven't seen or been taught how to navigate healthy romantic relationships properly, we can end up feeling totally disempowered, helpless & hopelessSTAYING SINGLE OUT OF FEAR
If we feel like we don't matter or are unimportant, we won't feel worthy of putting ourselves out there in order to meet the man we dream of. If we're too afraid of rejection or getting our heart broken, we won't be brave enough to be vulnerable & open our hearts, even when we want to. This can mean feeling lonely, scared and misunderstood, as you're left wondering if you'll ever find the one.
When we don't believe that we're worthy or deserving of receiving healthy and truly fulfilling love, we learn to lower our standards and accept the love we think we deserve. This can mean toxic relationships and getting treated unkindly.
When we don't believe in ourselves and lack inner confidence and self worth, we can feel constantly on edge and worried about potential abandonment or betrayal in the relationship, meaning we can't ever feel safe just relaxing into the relationship because we're constantly on guard all of the time.
And even if we get our dream partner, if we don't understand what we're needing from our partners or which of our behaviours are pushing them away, we end up with growingly distant partners and emotionally dissatisfying & unfulfilling relationships that we, or our partners, then feel stuck in.
When we don't know how to manage our triggers and communicate through conflicts effectively, we end up shouting, screaming & ultimately pushing each other away, as our resentment builds and our ability to forgive lessens.
But doll, love wasn't meant to be experienced like that and your relationship doesn't have to be that way either...


When we have fears and insecurities inside of us, it can show up in the form of social anxiety, people pleasing or a sense of performing and being 'on' during social interactions, which can leave us feeling burnt out and unfulfilled.SOCIAL ANXIETY
We get so scared about the possibility of rejection that we end up preferring to stay in the shadows and never be seen. But with this, comes feelings of loneliness, being misunderstood, feeling like we don't belong and craving closer friendships.
It stops us from living life fully, doing the things we've always wanted to do, meeting new people, relaxing into social situations and avoiding trying new activities if it means going alone.PEOPLE PLEASING
When you dismiss your own feelings, wants & needs for the benefit of trying to seek harmony and closeness with others, you aren't allowing others to see the real you. This means you're actually only ever creating distance.
When we become so concerned with showing up in front of others as the perfect, fun loving girl who always has her life together, we become focused on other people's body language & tone of voice, trying to contort ourselves into the version of us that will get their approval & validation. This leads to exhaustion after social interactions and feeling unsure if others would even love us without the mask on.
But it doesn't have to be that way, friends are there to love you for YOU, imperfections and all...


When we haven't yet activated our empowered drive within us, we can see ourselves as victims, stuck with the life that was bestowed upon us, helpless and powerless to external circumstances.STAYING SMALL
We'll spend our whole lives wishing we had the confidence to speak up, but we care too much about what others think of us. So we choose to stay small, hidden amongst the shadows, allowing our fears to hold us back in life.
In meetings, we don't voice our thoughts, feelings, desires, needs or opinions if they go too far against the crowd. We avoid public speaking and don't bother to ask for that pay rise or extra support that we know we deserve.
We forgo asserting our boundaries if it means it’ll cause conflict. We give in, and then feel taken for granted.TOXIC WORK ENVIRONMENTS
If you believe you don’t matter, you will act like you don’t matter. You will stay in jobs that don't match your potential, allowing yourself to be spoken to and treated demeaningly because you think this is all you deserve.
If you believe you will be rejected by others, you will reject your own ideas and opinions before ever allowing them to be heard, thus allowing others to be promoted ahead of you.
If you believe you're not good enough, you will over burden yourself with tasks and exceedingly high expectations in an attempt to not be exposed as the imposter that you believe you are. You will shame and criticise and control yourself to avoid making mistakes and ever feeling unsafe.
But it doesn't have to be that way...

I created this academy JUST for girls like us, the ones who didn’t get the proper modelling growing up, because there’s not a chance us girls are going to miss out on true love, friendship and happiness in this lifetime!The Goddess Academy is specifically designed to show you how to take back your power and become the version of you you’ve always wanted to be.Intimacy is ‘Into-Me-See’. That closeness you’re craving in your friendships and relationship is to feel SEEN. To feel understood, accepted and loved for exactly who you are, in your full authenticity. But in order to be seen, you have to SHOW yourself. And in order to feel confident showing yourself, you have to LOVE who you are.That belief of being stuck and trapped in your life, career & financial status is what is actually KEEPING you stuck. It's time to activate your drive & purpose to free yourself from the prison of your mind.The Goddess Academy is not about changing who you are. It is about removing all of the fears, doubts, insecurities and limiting beliefs which are PREVENTING you from showing up as who you are really meant to be.This is about giving yourself the right to stand tall in the world confidently, boldly and proudly, as the version of you that exists inside of your heart, the version of you if nothing and no one was holding you back...The choice is yours babe. You can stay living your life like you have been doing for so many years.. Or you can finally decide to take action and allow yourself permission to create the life you truly desire.You get to show up in the world how you want to show up. No more wishing, no more longing, the time is NOW.This is YOUR life, CHOOSE to take full control!

but how can the goddess academy do all of that?

  • Instant access to our signature course 'Triggered AF' (worth £111) & access to all future courses as soon as they get released (we currently have at least 12 more in the pipeline!)

  • Direct access to me (a subconscious mind expert and mindset coach) via weekly Q&A videos, so you can ask any questions you get stuck on when applying the tools to your individual life circumstances

  • Exclusive discount on Private 1-1 sessions with me (normally worth £150/hr)

  • A growing community of like-minded girls who feel the same way you do and also want a better life for themselves

  • Private platform to protect your privacy so you can feel safe and supported as you practice the tools and share updates about your personal development journeys

  • Access the platform anytime, and from anywhere, and now with an app making it so much easier to access the courses or ask questions when away from home

what if it doesn't work for me

Targeting the subconscious mind is the only way to bring about lasting change because it is the driving force behind all of our emotions, actions and decisions. That's why simply trying to implement and maintain new habits with sheer will power takes a lot of effort and often doesn't last. All of our courses directly target the subconscious mind.
The reason why self help books don't actually create dramatic or lasting changes in their readers is because the reader is left without any follow through or guidance on how to actually implement the knowledge gained. For a short period of time they may feel inspired, but soon they are left feeling disheartened, confused and more likely to give up.
Not only do our courses provide practical steps for clients to implement straight away, but clients also have maintained access to myself, a subconscious mind expert, for as long as they need, should they have any questions or need additional support as they begin to practice implementing the tools for themselves. This allows our clients to have the best chance of success in achieving their desired mindset.WE ARE JUST AS INVESTED AS YOU
In fact, the problems we have described on this page are only targeting the first mindset shift. I teach 5 levels of mindset shifts beyond this (see our freebie below to understand the levels). Therefore our entire business model relies on getting you to achieve this first mindset shift through the Goddess Academy, and thereby gaining your trust if you want to advance further into the next levels. This means we are just as invested in your transformation as you are. As long as you practice the steps outlined in the courses and ask questions in the forum, we can pretty much guarantee you will achieve this new mindset transformation.


When we first start off in this mindset, it's not uncommon to feel afraid of sharing problems in a group setting. A fear of vulnerability, being seen, and pre-emptive rejection holds us back. Although you will overcome all of this through The Goddess Academy, to account for this initial fear you are welcome to stay anonymous with a pseudo name on the platform if you prefer.
When we are in this initial mindset level, we are very much operating from a survival mindset. This means we only invest in things that give us instant happiness. But by chasing happiness in external things and quick fixes, once the initial high wears away, we are back to feeling low in finances, energy & time. This quick fix mentality is something that you desperately need to shift out of if you are ever going to obtain your desired life.
Through the mindset shift gained in our academy, you will naturally gain more time, energy & finances as you step into your power. But in order for this to happen, the first step involves you seeing yourself as worthy and deserving enough of at least investing in yourself. And to help you with this first empowering step, we have purposefully kept our membership fee significantly lower than our higher levels of mindset shifts that we offer.

  • Targets the subconscious mind

  • Instant access to group coaching and our signature course: Triggered AF (worth £111) upon signing up for your membership

  • Practical steps and tools to implement instantly

  • Weekly Q&A videos to answer any and all of your questions for ongoing guided support as you practice implementation of the tools into your life

  • Access to at least 12 future courses as soon as they are released

Risk Free!

Sound too good to be true?

Cancel your membership anytime, no questions asked.

It's time to try something new

"Insanity is doing the same thing over & over again, and expecting different results."


To say thank you for supporting us, the first 25 women who join will be offered a $25 discount on their membership & we will honour this discounted rate for as long as you choose to keep your membership

Still Not Sure?
Download my FREE guide with questions to ask yourself to see where you might be limiting yourself in different areas of life & better understand how the Goddess Academy could help you. But hurry, we only have our limited time offer on for the first 25 girls who join <3